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Description of Student Clubs. 
Who is eligible?
How do kids get involved?
What do you do in the club?
What is the purpose of the group?
  • Safety Patrol
    • All fifth grade students who are interested in school safety and being a school leader can be part of Safety Patrol. We have monthly meetings at lunch to go over safety protocols for before school arrival and after school dismissal. Students are encouraged to work with the staff on duty to ensure the safety of all of our students.

  • Student Council
    • Student Council is open to third, fourth and fifth grade students. Elections are held annually for officer positions: president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Each class can have up to three representatives and/or officers total. We have monthly meetings after school. We have supported community fundraisers to help the Contra Costa County Food Bank, the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Wheelchair Foundation in the past. Each year we vote on the groups we plan to support, and what this support looks like. We work closely with the LO PTA with events such as the Harvest Festival, Chalk Your Walk, Community Service Drive, and International Festival. We also work to build a strong school community through spirit wear Wednesdays and special spirit wear events on the last Wednesday of each month.
  • Prism Club is open to fourth and fifth grade students meeting during lunch. We support student inclusion on campus. SRVUSD’s Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) and Prism Clubs exist to provide an open forum for LGBTQ+ minority youth in our community, and their allies, to talk and share with one another in a safe, comfortable, student-led environment. Prism Clubs stands for and strives for the equality of all people. Therefore, our clubs will never turn away or otherwise discriminate against an attendee for reasons of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or any other creed or characteristic, real or perceived. Research indicates an improved school climate, individual well-being, and educational outcomes. Participation in Prism is related to a stronger school connectedness and improved academic achievement for LGBTQ youth (
  • Peacemakers
    • Open to third, fourth and fifth grade students who show exceptional leadership skills and values teamwork. Peacemakers are trained to learn essential conflict resolution strategies to support their peers in problem solving. Peacemakers can help fellow students on the playground during recess to work out their problems safely and peacefully by using their de-escalation skills.  We have monthly meetings during lunch to go over safety rules and review our conflict resolution strategies. Our Peacemakers really value teamwork as they work together with their partner on their assigned Peacemaker days.
  • Planet Protectors
    • The Planet Protectors Council is open to third, fourth and fifth grade students. Students are selected by their teachers based on student interest and responsibility. All students and staff at Live Oak are Planet Protectors, but The Planet Protector Council helps keep our school motivated and on track to continue our mission of making our community more environmentally friendly. Students participate in and promote Live Oak Elementary School Planet Protector activities and encourage the whole school to be “green”. They encourage all Live Oak students to participate in Planet Protector activities – like Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling, and make announcements to classes. Planet Protectors set a good example for classmates and peers in both their conduct and work ethic.
Elementary School Activities and Clubs During the School Day

Dear Parent/Caregiver/Guardian:
SRVUSD is pleased to provide many options for Live Oak Elementary School’s students to participate in various clubs and activities during the school day. Many of these voluntary extracurricular activities take place during lunch to be accessible for all students, allowing more kids to participate. SRVUSD tries to provide a variety of options to ensure that all students have the conditions to be successful and to be a part of safe and welcoming environments within their school communities. We look forward to providing additional school-day activity options as we grow our programming, and we will be in touch with details when we have new offerings.

Student participation in any club or activity is always voluntary. It is understood that if you do not submit an opt-out form, that permission has been granted for your student to participate in any and all in-school clubs and activities that they choose to join. See more information below on the opt-out form.

This school year, Live Oak Elementary School is currently offering the following activities and/or clubs:
  • Safety Patrol
  • Student Council
  • Gardening 2.0
  • Prism Club
  • Peacemakers
  • Planet Protectors
  • Hopefully more opportunities are coming!

Please review our communications/newsletters for all details about the school clubs and activities we offer.  New activities or clubs may be offered during the school year. Continue to read our school newsletters and check our school website to learn more about them. If you need more details about any of our in-school club and activity options, please reach out.

Students are encouraged to participate in any activities or clubs of their choice, however, if you DO NOT want your child to participate in one or more clubs or activities, please complete this opt-out form no later than October 1, 2022.  If you have multiple students in our school, please submit one form per child.

Again, if you would like more information about our club and activity options, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at

Mrs. Dobel, Principal (she/her/hers)