Attendance Policy
Each time your child is absent or will be late to school (even if you have informed the teacher) you MUST
call our 24 hour attendance number (925) 803-3199.
Please provide the following information:
1. Child’s name (please spell out), grade and teacher.
2. Reason for absence
3. How many days of absence are expected
4. Name of person calling (adults only, students may not call in their own absences.)
Please recall that we have a 7:57 a.m. warning bell to go to class and an 8:00 a.m. tardy bell. Any student
not in class by 8:00 a.m. (Kindergarten 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. depending on class assignment) must go to
the office to get a tardy slip. Parents need to help reduce tardiness, which can affect a student’s academic
achievement. Chronic tardiness is regarded as a serious problem that impacts the educational process.
The office will notify parents after three or more unexcused tardies. If the problem is not resolved, the
child may be referred to the Student Success Team or the district’s School Attendance Review Board
(SARB) for action.
AR5113 states that all absences which are not cleared within two days after a student’s return to school
shall be recorded as unexcused (CUT).
Unexcused Absences and Tardies
One of the keys to your child’s academic success is the time your child spends in the classroom. If your
child misses three or more days of school due to an unexcused absence or is tardy for unexcused reasons
for more than 30 mins on three occasions, a letter from school may be sent home addressing truancy.
Family vacations, attending sporting events, oversleeping, are examples of unexcused absences. If your
child is going to be absent due to illness or injury for two or more weeks contact the office staff or the
classroom teacher to arrange for a home teacher.
Leaving School During the Day
For safety reasons, it is imperative the school knows the whereabouts of your child. Children may not
leave the school grounds at any time during the school day unless a parent or guardian comes to the office
to sign them out. Children will be released through the office only; teachers will not release children from
the classrooms. We encourage parents to make appointments (ex. Doctor) for after school hours
whenever possible. Unexcused early dismissals are also counted toward truancy.
If a student will be absent for five through fourteen consecutive school days parents may request an Independent Study
Contract (ISC). Please submit your request for an ISC as early as possible (must be at least 5-7 days before your trip) so
that the teacher has adequate time to prepare work for your student. *Submit a request using the Independent Study
request form on the Live Oak website. The teacher will provide the child with appropriate activities to keep current with
curriculum and school activities. Although work is provided, classroom activities cannot be duplicated outside of school.
Some activities may need to be made up upon the student’s return to class. The Independent Study Contract must be
signed by the parent and teacher prior to the absence. The completed contract and all work are due back to the
Attendance Secretary in charge of Attendance the first day the student returns to school. Absences not verified by ISC
work will be considered unexcused and truant.
Missing the First Three Days of School and Missing the Last Ten Days of School
As you plan your summer vacation, please be aware of our school calendar. Some schools are very full and many continue
to have wait lists. If a child does not attend the first three days of school, your student may lose their space at your
resident school and be diverted to another school. If there is not space at your resident school when you return, your
child will be placed at the closest school based on space availability. If you know your student will be missing the first
three days, or more, of school please send an email to the Office Manager, Melanie Jensen
If your child must leave school earlier than 10 days before the last day of school and does not return before the end of
the school year, your child may be subject to the following consequences:
Incomplete or lowered final grades
Review by school/district attendance review board
Unenrolled and placed on the waitlist upon re-enrollment, if space is not available.
If you student is unenrolled, there may not be a space at the current school for your student to return in the fall. In this
case your student may have to be diverted to another elementary school in the district.
Please note:
In accordance with California Education Codes 48205 and 48260, and District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation
5113, any student who misses 3 or more school days without a valid excuse, as defined by AR 5113, shall be reported as
Truant to the District attendance supervisor.