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Join Live Oak Ed. Fund on Insta for latest update
President - Danny Bae 
Vice President - Wendy Sanchez 
Treasurer- Lisa Corpus 
Financial Sec.- Connie Cheung 
Recording Sec. - Jenny Lee 
Marketing & Website  - Amit Mahle 
Corporate Match Chair - Harry Hansrai 
Auction Chair - 
Read A Thon Chair -
Principal - Peter Fong 
Teacher Rep. - Paige Allender 


Ed Fund Meeting Dates -
All Meetings at 7:00 pm in the Live Oak Library or virtually on Google Meet:
September 9th 
October 14th 
November 11th 
December 9th 
January 10th 
February 10th 
March 10th 
April 14th 
May 12th 
Key Details
Organization Name:
Live Oak Education Fund
Tax ID#: 14-2001348
Address: 5151 Sherwood Way
San Ramon, CA 94582
Contact: Danny Bae 

Education Fund

Live Oak Ed Fund logo
Hello LiveOak family. Welcome to Live Oak elementary school. I hope you all had a great summer. I am Naresh Desai, serving as Ed Fund president for the 2023/24 school year. I want to thank everyone that was able to donate and support LiveOak elementary school last year. Due to your generous donation we were able to raise approximately $201, 847 dollars.  
These were used to support staffing 
1. Para educators
2. Vocal music teacher
3. Art teacher
4. Increase of the Librarian hours
5. Headphones for all grade level
6. Other programs like 
a. Eagle’s best
b. Soul Shoppe, 
c. 3D printers, headphones, and other essential supplies that help staff to support kids well routed growth. 
Our goal for the 2023/24 school year is to raise a minimum of $250,000 to cover expenses. 
We Ed fund committee serving school behalf of all the parents to ensure that all grade level equals benefited through your donation. Your donation will help your kids get exposure to science, art, music instruction, extra library hours, and year around classroom supply.  Your help has never been more important on the half of the education foundation. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support. Feel free to reach out to any Ed Fund board members if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you in the fall. Thank you and have a great school year
Thank you
Naresh Desai

Who are we? We are an all-volunteer organization consisting of a group of dedicated parents and educators, who help raise funds to support the educational interests of the students at Live Oak Elementary School.
What is our Mission? We are dedicated to raising funds through collaboration of parents, educators, and the community, to maintain and enhance the quality of education and the environment of Live Oak Elementary School.  What does that really mean?  We raise funds to cover programs our federal or state dollars don't cover - everything from school supplies to in class programs such as art, music and much more!
When do we meet? The first Wednesday of every month from August to May.  We meet at 7pm-8pm via a video meet currently.  All meeting links can be found on our EdFund Website and school calendar.  Please join us - all are welcome!!
How can you help?  Everyone has busy lives but we need your support!  Don't feel you have time to sit on the board?  That is ok we have so many needs for volunteers - please send your interest at
Meet our current board (2023-24):
President - Naresh Desai 
Treasurer- Joe Li 
Recording Sec. - Emma Castro 
Principal - Peter Fong 
Teacher Rep. - Paige Allender and Heather Scruggs  
Executive Vice President - VACANT
Financial Sec.- Jenny Lee 
Marketing and Website Chair- Priyank Chandra
Corporate Match Chair - Sudha Immaneni 
Auction Chair - Shikha Goyal
Read A Thon Chair - Anum Bashir
SRVEF 40th