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CogAT Testing Message for Parents:
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is an optional test used to measure reasoning skills and identify students for Gifted and Talented Education. Students in grades 3 and 4 may take the CogAT this fall. Additionally, students in grades 5-7 who are new to our district may take the test. CogAT is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, November 2, 2019. Parents must register their child on the CogAT Testing Registration site. Registration will close on Sunday, September 22, 2019, or earlier if space becomes full.


John Hopkins
Center for Talented Youth

Live Oak Eagles Extension Activities

What are Enriched Eagle Activities (EEA)?
EEA are after school teacher led activities that extend the learning and thinking of all Live Oak students. These activities usually fall under STEAM categories and push students to think critically and challenge themselves. Some aspects of these activities will take place at home, while the celebration of student achievements will always take place at the school. Please feel free to explore the website to see what activities will be offered throughout the year!
If you have any questions regarding any EEA activities, please contact Ms. Putvin at 

What are Enriched Eagle Activities (EEA)?
EEA are after school teacher led activities that extend the learning and thinking of all Live Oak students. These activities usually fall under STEAM categories and push students to think critically and challenge themselves. Some aspects of these activities will take place at home, while the celebration of student achievements will always take place at the school. Please feel free to explore the website to see what activities will be offered throughout the year!
If you have any questions regarding any EEA activities, please contact Ms. Putvin at